I have an article out today!
I have been writing for The Skinny for about a year and a half now as a music reviewer and article writer. My work has almost always focused on women and my last piece, published just before lockdown, was about the gender imbalance at Scottish music festivals and what women were doing to tackle it. You can read this here.
In my latest article I looked at four new music based projects which are fighting against the systemic sexism present within the creative industries in Scotland; Popgirlz, Hen Hoose, The F-List and POWA, which is run by me and my new pal, musician and composer Siobhan Wilson. I’ll talk more about POWA in another post, it’s a project I’m really excited about, so more on that soon.
You can read my article on The Skinny’s website. I will post it on here in a month or so. I need to get a paper copy of the magazine so I can save it, the only place I can pick it up is the supermarket though because everywhere else is closed due to new COVID restrictions here in Scotland.